Philip Bennefall wrote:
> I have been experimenting with Fossil for a few days now and am really 
> liking it so far. I am in the process of switching all my old SVN 
> repositories to Fossil and haven't had any trouble.
> However, I ran into an issue when creating a new repository today. To 
> illustrate:
> fossil new dummy.fossil -A philip_bennefall
> fossil open dummy.fossil
> fossil add readme.txt
> fossil commit
> Then, I get the "Cannot figure out who you are!" message that I've read 
> about in the archives. So I try:
> fossil user default philip_bennefall

I think you can use:

  fossil user default philip_bennefall --user philip_bennefall

> And I get the same message again. It says that it cannot determine user. 
> I don't want to use my computer username for the repository, but I can 
> only get it working if I don't pass -A to fossil new. Any hints would be 
> appreciated.

Or you should be able to simply set the environment variable:

$ USER=philip_bennefall

and then you don't need to worry about the -A or --user options.


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