On Thursday, June 12, 2014, JR <jr...@saintlyreverend.com> wrote:

> I will avoid the rant I had just written and simply say that I do not use
> cmd.exe except where required.  I use PowerShell exclusively, which makes
> cmd.exe look like the ancient tool it is, and there are debates that
> PowerShell is better than bash due to its use of objects instead of
> straight text (I suck at regex, so I prefer objects).  I will leave that
> flame war for another day, as I like bash on *nix machines and love
> PowerShell on Windows.  I just don't like to mix the two :).

I really want something like a powershell for Unix, but still somewhat
similar to the typical Unix shell, and with JSON as the object
representation (since that will play best with existing tools, the
environment, and command-line arguments).  Ideally i'd want something like
jq (https://stedolan.github.io/jq -- something of an awesome JSON query
language as an inspiration for such a shell.


Full disclosure: I am a contributor to and maintainer of jq, but biased as
I am by this, I think one can objectively say that Stephen Dolan did an
awesome job.
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