On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 4:02 PM, <to...@acm.org> wrote:

> 2. Can a branch contain only the single incomplete file I'm working on,
> but somehow to 'load' this branch together with the 'trunk'?  I.e., I want
> to have all the files of the current trunk plus the single (or few) file(s)
> of my special WIP branch.  Is this possible?  If yes, how?

Merging only merges in to your working space, so if you fetch a commit from
your branch, then merge from Trunk, your working space will contain what
you are requesting. Usually, after resoling any conflicts, the result would
be committed to the branch, but that is not actually required. If you
don't, then any fetch from your branch will result in a working space
containing out of date files. That is, those files you haven't made changes
to will be as they were when the branch was created. Usually this is not
desirable as you would then always have to merge in  from Trunk. Where as
if you committed the result of your merge, you only have to merge when
Trunk actually changed.

There is only a very tiny cost to committing merged-in files not changed by
a branch. The resulting delta will effectively be a pointer to a commit in
Trunk (or other branch). Also, any record keeping advantages to not
committing the merge is significantly outweighed by the cost of forgetting
to merge in changes when checking out your branch.

With an up to date branch, the -n option for a merge from your branch will
give you a list of the changed files. Also, in the time line, it is easy to
distinguish changes from merge-commits, so you can still easily see what
files you've been working on.
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