Thus said Jan Nijtmans on Tue, 08 Jul 2014 21:35:07 +0200:

> If you don't want this warning, just set 'encoding-glob' to '*'.

I might actually want encoding warnings though...

> But did you ever view this file in the fossil UI?
> Did the è  really look like è there?

I did not, however,  if I put the same file in any  web server and serve
it up it displays correctly, probably  because my browser figured out to
use ISO-8859-1, or the server defaulted to it.

If I try to  view it with Fossil UI it refuses  and instead says ``10062
bytes of  binary data.'' I  suppose this  is largely true---all  data is
binary. :-) It would be nice if there were a button that said, ``display
the bytes anyway.''

If I  annotate the  file it  puts a different  character there  than was
included in the  .tcl script. If I then change  my browser to ISO-8859-1
it displays fine.

Also, I notice that you converted (or  your email client did) the è from
my email to è which are not the same characters (at least not as far as
the bytes are concerned). How did it manage to convert è to è?

> Better replace  that by  \0xe8, that will  make your  script portable,
> working identical no matter what Tcl's system encoding is set to.

That's a  good suggestion for fixing  the Tcl script, but  I'm still not
sure why Fossil thinks that è is UTF-8. I thought it was extended ASCII.

> > I didn't think 0xe8 was UTF-8, but maybe I'm mistaken?
> In the  fossil UI, all  files are  displayed assuming the  encoding is
> UTF-8.

That  explains the  strange character  displayed  in the  browser. If  I
switch my browser to ISO-8859-1 it displays fine.

> More likely  is that  people are  not aware  that such  characters can
> cause unexpected problems.

The only  thing unexpected has been  the warning from Fossil  for a file
that previously had no warnings. :-)

Sounds like my options are either to  answer Yes, or update the Tcl file
that I have stored in a Fossil repository to use \xe8.


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