Thus said Ron W on Sat, 19 Jul 2014 14:12:32 -0400:

> I think that if a "branch from a closed branch" feature is going to be
> added,  it should  be exactly  that and  not a  "back door"  on closed
> leafs.

This raises  the question of  just what the  intended use of  a ``closed
leaf'' is supposed to be. The documentation includes this:

    A closed leaf is a leaf that should never have direct children.

    A closed leaf is any leaf  with the closed tag. These leaves are
    intended to  never be  extended with  descendants and  hence are
    omitted  from  lists  of  leaves in  the  command-line  and  web

    A  closed branch  is a  branch with  only closed  leaves. Closed
    branches  are fixed  and do  not change  (unless they  are first

It would seem that  the primary intended use of a  closed leaf is simply
to  prevent code  changes from  extending the  life of  the branch,  not
necessarily to prevent new branches.

If we prevent alterations of the branch  at a closed leaf node, then can
we still  meet the criteria and  intended use of closed  leaves in these
definitions? I  think this  is accomplished with  the recent  check-in I
made (pending review):

It isn't possible to insert new code in the middle of two non-leaf nodes
in a  branch. With  [d1b5fd8738e] it  will not be  possible to  extend a
branch on a  leaf node that is closed without  first removing the closed

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