We are using -nested very successfully to break a large area of related but
mostly independent sub-areas into multiple fossils. I'm very happy with it.

BTW, the whole reason why the modern SCM approach used by fossil, git etc.
is so powerful is because the number of degrees of freedom were reduced by
eliminating working on subsets of the file tree. If you add back in the
ability to subdivide the file tree then you will have to add complexity to
deal with branching and merging.

Just my $0.02.

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 7:38 AM, Michai Ramakers <m.ramak...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I was wondering how many of you use 'open --nested' to have nested
> workdirs?
> A bit of background:
> A long time ago I asked here how/why/if people divided multiple-target
> project-trees into repos; some (like me) use one big repo for all, and
> some use many small repos.
> So this is not a real question let alone a fossil-specific one...
> Reason for asking is that I sometimes find myself going through
> changes between releases, and since I develop almost everything on
> trunk, the timeline-change overview between 'doc X version N' and 'doc
> X version N+1' so to say (each being tags) is naturally peppered with
> changes to other parts of the workdir, e.g. source,
> reference-material, pictures, whatnot.
> There was talk of giving the '/timeline' page something like a 'glob='
> parameter a while ago, filtering out unwanted stuff. That would make
> going over diffs easier, but since the result would not be a
> consistent timeline anymore, I wonder if this would be a good idea,
> and whether my workflow is not fundamentally flawed.
> So...  development of each target into its own branch (where branches
> could have contents in mutually exclusive dirs, e.g. 'docs', 'src',
> ...) is perhaps an option, or using different repos altogether, be it
> in nested workdirs or not?
> Ideas are welcome - assuming the above makes a bit sense,
> Michai
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