On 7/28/2014 5:43 AM, Raghavendra Chary B wrote:
There are multiple ways to set up email notification on ticket creation
or modification.

I think simplest of them is using IFTTT approach, but i spent lot of
time before i could find it. Hence I strongly feel this should be
documented in official wiki, given that this such a common requirement

In this approach we use IFTTT service to connect rss feed of Fossil scm
to Gmail channel.....

We had a similar need here for a project that unfortunately could not have a public-facing server, all the RSS-based services I could find could not do authentication, and I didn't want to involve 3rd party services in any case. I eventually found rss2email [1] which allowed me to set up a similar connection between ticket changes and internal email recipients. It happily runs on a Windows PC from a periodic Task Manager event and sends the expected emails when it sees new RSS events.

[1]: http://www.allthingsrss.com/rss2email/

The big downside for me is that it requires configuration per user and per repository. It isn't easy, for instance, to get emailed when any ticket on any of my repositories changes. It also doesn't have a lot of configuration for what information to drop in the email, and the resulting emails little more than hints to go read the actual ticket.

IFTTT may merit a second look for my projects where I do have a public facing server, assuming it can handle the needed authentication.

Ross Berteig                               r...@cheshireeng.com
Cheshire Engineering Corp.           http://www.CheshireEng.com/

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