On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:

> While Windows Vista+ technically can make symlinks on NTFS, it has
> restrictions that make it unworkable for Fossil:
> 1. If you aren't running as a member of the Administrators group, you
> cannot create symlinks, at all, ever.

At least in my development environment, some of the specialized tools we
use already require this for them to run.

Other SW dev environments are likely more restrictive. Non-DW-dev workers
almost certainly wont have this.

> 2. If you *are* running as an Administrator user, you can't create
> symlinks from a process that isn't "Run as Administrator".  (The exception
> is when logged into the actual Administrator account on a Server version of
> Windows, where all command shells are elevated.)

If issue #1 is resolved in a given user's environment, then this could be
workable. In general, I dislike running with admin priv for anything but
admin tasks.

I wonder if it would make sense for Fossil to spawn a separate program to
create symlinks.

> 3. If your program is running as a Windows service (which Fossil can't do
> yet, but may one day be able to) it can't call this function at all,
> regardless of permission.  Only programs running under the interactive
> desktop can create symlinks.

This should not be a problem as only the Fossil CLI would be creating
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