On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Paul Higham <pa...@janmedical.com> wrote:

> With the developer permissions set the attachments can be downloaded (a
> .pdf will open directly in the browser, but an Excel document is actually
> downloaded) but with all the permissions that I gave below even the .pdf is
> inaccessible.  The project manager that I mentioned does not need a local
> copy of the repository, all he needs is to be able to create, edit and view
> tickets and their attachments on the repository that sits on an AWS
> ‘cloud’.  So I still don’t know which is the operative permission flag or
> is it simply not possible to do what I am trying to do in Fossil?

I think check out is needed to download attachments and check in needed to

(To my thinking, ticket attachments should not require check in/out. If
people feel the existing ticket specific permissions should not grant
attachment privs, then maybe consider adding addition perms to Fossil.)

> I plan on updating the cloud version of Fossil but I do have the latest on
> my own  machine.  However, I cannot find any specific instructions even on
> the Fossil website as to how to do this. Is it possible or not?

Do what? Update Fossil in your AWS instance?

Assuming you want Fossil server to auto-start on boot, you update the
Fossil executable the same as on a physical PC in your possession, then you
need to save your / partition by creating a custom system image (I forget
what AWS calls these) then, from your AWS console, configure your instance
to boot from the new system image.

Hopefully AWS instance configuration and custom system image creation is
easier than it used to be. It has been years since I ran an instance on
AWS, so I can't really say much about how to do stuff on it, but everything
I needed to do was documented back then, so I would expect it to be, now.
(Hopefully not wishful thinking.)
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