On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> but by "very large source control" i envision something akin to git's
> octopus model, reaching fractally out into the universe

Fossil uses the "octopus model" as well. I just don't know of any projects
using Fossil that have more than 2 "layers" of developers. By 2 layers, I
mean devs with push access to the main repository and devs who submit
patches. As compared to, say, the Linux Kernel project, where several
"rings" of repositories (and their respective maintainers) marshal changes

(That said, someone on this list was talking about a project that
potentially could involve project devs pushing changes to a Fossil server
in their respective offices, which in turn would push the changes to the
main office. However, it looks like that person may have decided to pass
over Fossil due to real time issues.)
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