On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 8:02 PM, Ron W <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As I understand it, Fossil is intentionally designed around the feature
> set provided by SQLite. Therefore, to support DB back-ends other than
> SQLite would not just require rewriting SQL queries, but significant
> re-working of Fossil's C implementation.

Right. sqlite does a surprising amount of the work for us, and having its
author write most of the Fossil queries gives us a distinct advantage so
long as we use sqlite ;). We also have a huge advantage in the tight
coupling of sqlite, in that we know that any serious issues in sqlite get
fixed immediately ;), instead of having to wait on the next system update
to get the latest Postgres/MySQL/whatever.

Certainly, a huge scale DVCS like Fossil would be a good thing. A key
> question for a potential project team will be: Once you separate out the DB
> back-end, where do you draw the line?

i had to consider some of these points when starting libfossil. One of the
ideas i _idly_ tinkered with, in terms of API structure, but never
seriously considered, was non-db backends for fossil. It turns out, though,
that it's impossible to codify, in advance, all possible data structures
which clients might want/need. So.... the db API has to be exposed to the
client so that they can define their own data structures (in the form of
queries). Creating a storage-agnostic API which "works enough like a DB"
that fossil could make reasonable use of it would be a years-long project
in and of itself.

> As for Fossil itself, it probably scales better than most people think.
> Part of the problem is perception.

Guilty as charged. Can't give you concrete reason, though. Maybe it's my
inherent pessimism (which possibly has its roots in me enjoying the
surprise of, "oh, it CAN be done!").

I know many people who are more comfortable with "large scale" systems like
> Perforce, because they are used to working in large organizations. And I
> know that some of those do/did work on large software teams. The rest are
> like me: The overall "software team" is large, but for any given project,
> the number of software members is usually 2, sometimes 1 or 3, rarely more
> than that. The "high ceremony" system we are supposed to be using is not
> helpful to us.


----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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