On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 9:17 PM, Will Parsons <varro@nodomain.invalid> wrote:

> I have a project in which I've created a number of branches (currently
> six).  Perhaps by bad luck, three of the branches received quite similar
> varieties of blue/green as the background colour, and I'd like to have a
> better visual distinction among the branches.   I see that one can use
> the --branchcolor option when creating the branch, but:
> 1) The documentation says that "The use of the --branchcolor option is
>    not recommend."*  Why not?

Because experience has shown the most users do an awful job of choosing
good colors.  Better to let the color-based-on-a-hash-of-the-branch-name
algorithm do it for you.  Even if it sometimes picks colors that are more
similar than you would like.

Also, the automatic colors will automatically adapt when the page
foreground/background changes.  Hardcoded --branchcolor colors do not.

> 2) I think the only format for the colour is the hexadecimal
>    representation, which means it can be difficult to envision what
>    something like "#aad2c6" will actually look like.  Is there a way
>    to preview how it will look before making the commit?

You can preview the automatically selected colors by entering candidate
branch names here:  http://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/hash-color-test

I think if you edit the branch color in the UI it gives you a preview
before you commit the change.

> * sic - should be "recommended".

Fixed now.

D. Richard Hipp
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