On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Ron W <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I do know how hard handling strings in C is. In the past, I have used
> libawk. I might try to find another lib that provides similar functionality
> or even try to rebuild it (if I can find a copy of the source - not sure I
> still have a copy), but more likely I would use a language with built in
> string handling capability.

>From some Google searching, it looks as if libawk *might* have been a part
of the Gnu Arch (a.k.a. "tla") version control system project.  That
project now seems to be defunct (and, surprisingly to me, source code for
it no longer seems to be available via ftp.gnu.org even thought it is
defunct).  However, tarballs for it still seem to be available via
http://www.atai.org/gnuarch/ .

I also see mention of something called "libhackerlab", which libawk might
or might not depend on.  If it's not found in the tarballs for GNU Arch, it
appears that a copy of libhackerlab is available at least at
http://fossies.org/linux/privat/old/ftp-utils-1.0pre5.tar.gz/ .  (There
might be other sources as well, of course).

Ah, and I've found another source for GNU Arch, and libawk, at
http://tla.sourcearchive.com/ .

Hope this is of some use, interest.  Thanks for your time.

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