Stephan Beal decía, en el mensaje "Re: [fossil-users] Pessimism about
CommonMark in fossil" del domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014 13:45:58:
> On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 6:39 PM, Natacha Porté <
> <>> wrote:
>     But this is still about disambiguating "Markdown", without looking at
>     any other wiki or markup format.
> If it is incompatible with _any_ existing Markdown dialects, then it is
> effectively a competing format. If there are over 2 dozen slightly different
> implementations, what are the real chances of getting those two dozen projects
> to consolidate on one standard? And then what are the chances that all of them
> will change their parsers to all work identically (which seems like quite a
> waste of effort, to have 20+ implementations which all work identically).
> i still predict utter failure ;).

My 0.02 Credits: didn't the name "CommonMark" (and not *Markdown) had to be
created because the creator of Markdown himself disowned the effort and
DEMANDED that the name "Markdown" wasn't used?

More reason to agree with Stephan's prediction.

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