Thus said Scott Robison on Tue, 30 Sep 2014 10:04:29 -0600:

> Sorry for opening this huge can of worms! :)

Haha, don't sweat it. I've actually  wished for some improvements to the
permission checkbox page for a while. I've always found it annoying that
the letters are not displayed when  selecting the checkbox and usually I
have to have 2 tabs open, one  that displays the Notes where the letters
are  actually  next  to  capabilities  and  then  the  edit  page.  e.g.
/setup_ulist actually does have all  the permission flag letters next to
the names, so I'm accustomed to opening a tab with /setup_ulist and then
another tab for /setup_uedit when updating a user.

I think the subscript letters are a big improvement over the dots (which
I could never see very well).

The Javascript option is also much better  because at least I have a way
of seeing the letter without referring to /setup_ulist Notes.


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