Sorry, forgot to add that for the code to work you need also to add field:
blockers TEXT, to the ticket table (Admin/Tickets/Common).


2014-10-01 6:26 GMT+01:00 Jacek Cała <>:

> Hi Paolo,
> Below are things which I use, based on various answers from the mailing
> list. Have a look at these excerpts and put them in the appropriate places
> via Admin/Tickets/Edit or View
> Basically, I changed the edit and view ticket pages to add/show blockers.
> As said above, it's just for informative purposes, so e.g. you will be able
> to close ticket with unclosed blockers. But I use it and still find it
> handy. BTW, in the view page I use colors to clearly show ticket status,
> without proper support from fossil I don't think you can show that a ticket
> is blocked by others.
>   Hope it helps,
>   Jacek
> ----- Edit ticket page -----
> <th1>
>   if {![info exists mutype]} {set mutype Wiki}
>   if {![info exists icomment]} {set icomment {}}
>   if {![info exists username]} {set username $login}
>   if {[info exists submit]} {
>     if {$mutype eq "Wiki"} {
>       set mimetype text/x-fossil-wiki
>     } elseif {$mutype eq "HTML"} {
>       set mimetype text/html
>     } elseif {$mutype eq {[links only]}} {
>       set mimetype text/x-fossil-plain
>     } else {
>       set mimetype text/plain
>     }
>     # Set blockers according to the buffered new_blockers list
>     set blockers $new_blockers
>     submit_ticket
>     set preview 1
>   }
> </th1>
> ...
> <tr><td class="tktDspLabel">Version&nbsp;Found&nbsp;In:</td><td>
> <input type="text" name="foundin" size="50" value="$<foundin>" />
> </td></tr>
> <tr>
> <td class='tktDspLabel'>Blockers:</td>
> <th1>
>   if {! [info exists new_blockers]} {
>     set new_blockers $blockers
>   }
>   if {[info exists addblckrbtn]} {
>     if {[info exists new_blocker]} {
>       # Check whether the added blocker is already in the list
>       set add_new_blocker 1
>       for {set b 0} {$b < [llength $new_blockers]} {set b [expr {$b + 1}]}
> {
>         set to_check [lindex $new_blockers $b]
>         if {![string compare $new_blocker $to_check]} {
>           set add_new_blocker 0
>           break
>         }
>       }
>       if {$add_new_blocker} {
>         set new_blockers "$new_blockers $new_blocker"
>       }
>     }
>   } elseif {[info exists delblckrbtn]} {
>     if {[info exists blocker_list]} {
>       # Generate a list of blockers that is clear from the deleted blocker
>       set cleared_blockers ""
>       for {set b 0} {$b < [llength $new_blockers]} {set b [expr {$b + 1}]}
> {
>         set to_check [lindex $new_blockers $b]
>         if {[string compare $blocker_list $to_check]} {
>           set cleared_blockers "$cleared_blockers $to_check"
>         }
>       }
>       set new_blockers $cleared_blockers
>     }
>   }
>   html "<input type='hidden' name='new_blockers' value='$new_blockers' />"
>   if {[llength $new_blockers] == 0} {
>     enable_output 0
>   }
> </th1>
>   <td><th1>combobox blocker_list "$new_blockers" 3</th1>
>       <input type="submit" name="delblckrbtn" value="Del blocker" /></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
>   <td></td>
> <th1>enable_output 1</th1>
>   <td><input type="text" name="new_blocker" size="20" />
>       <input type="submit" name="addblckrbtn" value="Add blocker" /></td>
> </tr>
> <tr><td colspan="2">
>   Append Remark with format
> ...
> ----- End of Edit Ticket page -----
> ----- View Ticket page -----
> ...
> <tr>
>   <td class="tktDspLabel">Title:</td>
>   <td class="tktDspValue" colspan="3">$<title></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
>   <td class="tktDspLabel">Status:</td>
> <th1>
>   if {![string compare $status "Verified"] ||
>       ![string compare $status "Open"]} {
>     set color "#ffcccc"
>   } elseif {![string compare $status "Review"]} {
>     set color "#e8e8e8"
>   } elseif {![string compare $status "Fixed"]} {
>     set color "#cfffbd"
>   } elseif {![string compare $status "Tested"]} {
>     set color "#bdffd6"
>   } elseif {![string compare $status "Deferred"]} {
>     set color "#aabaff"
>   } else {
>     set color "#b8b8b8"
>   }
>   html "<td class='tktDspValue' style='background: $color'>$status</td>"
> </th1>
>   <td class="tktDspLabel">Type:</td>
> ...
> <tr>
>   <td class="tktDspLabel">Version&nbsp;Found&nbsp;In:</td>
>   <td valign="top" class="tktDspValue">$<foundin></td>
>   <td class="tktDspLabel">Assigned to:</td>
>   <td class="tktDspValue">$<assigned_to></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
>   <td class="tktDspLabel">Blockers:</td>
>   <td colspan="3" valign="top" class="tktDspValue">
>     <th1>
>    # Thanks to Brian Theado
>    #
>    # Loop through the ticket uuids
>    for {set x 0} {$x < [llength $blockers]} {set x [expr {$x + 1}]} {
>      # Add braces so wiki formatter will make links.  Backslashes
>      # hide those braces from interpretation by th1
>      wiki \[[lindex $blockers $x]\]
>    }
>     </th1>
>   </td>
> </tr>
> <th1>
> if {[info exists comment] && [string length $comment]>10} {
>   html {
>     <tr><td class="tktDspLabel">Description:</td></tr>
>     <tr><td colspan="5" class="tktDspValue">
>   }
> ...
> ----- End of View Ticket page ----
> 2014-09-30 20:17 GMT+01:00 Ron W <>:
>> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Stephan Beal <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 6:43 PM, Paolo Bolzoni <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I am using fossil for bug tracking in a project where (not my
>>>> decision) we use git for revision control.  I was wondering if
>>>> there is a way to explicitly mark a ticket as children of
>>>> another. So it is clear that the root one must worked on before
>>>> the child one.
>>>> It is possible do something like that?
>>> There's nothing at the infrastructure-level which directly supports
>>> that, but you could add a custom field which holds a list of other ticket
>>> IDs. Fossil would apply no special logic to it, though, e.g. "can't do a
>>> release so long as this blocker ticket is opened."
>> Using TH1, it is possible to encode various ticket handling steps. A few
>> years ago, I shared the custom TH1 code I wrote for my team. We don't use
>> it anymore. If I can find a copy, I'll post it, again. Or it should be
>> somewhere in the archive of this mailing list (I haven't posted a ton of
>> messages so it shouldn't be very hard to find.)
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