On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Note that wiki links are generated in many places, most notably the
> timeline, and if those links also have to work or the solution is only a
> partial one.
I think an example of what I mean would be helpful.

If I go to the  New Wiki Page page or Edit Wiki Page page, then put the
following as the content:

         *this* is a sample of *asciidoc*

Then when I click any Fossil generated link to that wiki page, Fossil will
serve up:

         *this* is a sample of *asciidoc*

Then if I have suitable JS code, it can look for BEGIN_ASCIIDOC and
END_ASCIIDOC, then feed everything between those 2 line to asciidoc.js

While that works, from a user point of view, it is very kludgy.

A step better would be if Fossil could accept something like:

         <wiki t="asciidoc">
         *this* is a sample of *asciidoc*

Then serve up something like:

         <div class="wiki_asciidoc">
         *this* is a sample of *asciidoc*

This would be less kludgy and maybe even have better/simpler JS code to
find the content and feed it to the renderer.

I don't know whether this would require a new change to Fossil or if Joe's
custom page feature could handle this. And, hopefully, there will be at
least 1 way to make this even less kludgy.
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