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Legend has it that on 05/10/2014 19:47, the fair wind whisper'd the
words of Stephan Beal:
> Agreed completely, but most people, i assume, who are contributing
> to the wiki and tickets are capable of entering a captcha?
Yes, the keyword here being "most". Visually impaired people are
unfortunately an exception.
> To be clear: i'm not saying "no, we can't," i'm just voicing
> concern for "automated repo pollution" which such a combination
> creates.
I see your concern and would certainly like to avoid spam just as
much, thus I completely agree with what you wrote.
My concern is that at the moment blind and visually impaired people
are unable to contribute to any repository where registration is
enabled with equal access rights (due to the required captcha). What I
am requesting might not be perfect (hence it should be toggleable),
but it would be a step forward compared to what we have now. If anyone
could implement a textual captcha that asks for a word or the sum of
numbers, then we would have a perfect solution. I feel though that
this is perhaps a bit too much to ask.
> A moderation step is essentially the same thing "registration via
> email to the admin," but arguably requiring less effort on the
> admin's part (checking the timeline page periodically for pending
> moderation requests, and clicking accept/deny for each requests).
Exactly. Email-based moderation on the other hand might not be a
viable option, as Fossil, to my knowledge, does not contain any
feature that would allow sending emails.
> But do you want robots to be included in those tickets? i once had
> a repo where the anonymous user had (due to an error on my part) 
> privileges which allowed him to edit wiki pages and create tickets.
> Over a span of a few weeks, it injected dozens of entries via the
> anonymous account (where autocaptcha was active). It remained
> undetected because it was clever enough to know not to edit the
> configured home wiki page, so the site looked okay to casual
> observers. As i was the only contributor to that repo, there was no
> need for me to follow the timeline, or i might have noticed the
> problem sooner in the form of timeline entries.
> Again: not an objection, just a cautionary tale.
I appreciate this, after all, bots are getting more clever by the day!
I am just not sure what I could go with without asking too much.

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