On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 12:06 PM, Joe Mistachkin <sql...@mistachkin.com>

> Then, you would normally need a "th1-setup" script, set via the "settings"
> command or a ".fossil-settings" file.  There would need to be a procedure
> defined named "command_hook" (and/or "command_notify"), e.g.:
>         proc command_hook {} {
>           if {$::cmd_name eq "timeline"} {
>             puts $::cmd_args\n
>             puts "preparing the timeline... [tclEval {info
> patchlevel}]\n\n"
>           }
>         }
>         proc command_notify {} {
>           if {$::cmd_name eq "timeline"} {
>             puts $::cmd_args\n
>             puts "timeline completed. [tclEval {info patchlevel}]\n\n"
>           }
>         }
> The hook procedure is evaluated prior to the actual command and the notify
> procedure is evaluated after the command.

What's in $::cmd_args ? Is it just the command line (or command URL)?

In command_notify, after a commit, is the commit ID included? What about
ticket and wiki writes?
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