I was thinking this scenario to implement, Add, Commit, Push ... in this way:

One host A uses JSON to communicate whit another host B,  host B should be  
http://localhost:8080  (mainly),  so due to Javascript and JSON normally runs 
on client side, when i for example do AJAX with JSON where 
http://localhost:8080 , the URL won't be the  remote server else the local 
server activated previously with Fossil -ui CLI:

Listening for HTTP requests on TCP port 8080
Launch webbrowser: start http://localhost:8080/

So to have a checkout one could for example do a AJAX request to 
http://localhosr:8080 /json/add?name="fooFile.txt"&path=path/To/File

So build a Web client on a remote server will have sense, on  otherwise, even a 
Web Client inside the Fossil pages will make sense, doesn't it?

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