Hi, all,

while hacking on libfossil this evening i stumbled across a file i had
stashed away and subsequently forgotten:


the SQL in that file was taking from an off-list exchange where list member
Andreas Kupries had asked how to get certain info out of a fossil db. While
his query (as it were) was over my head, Richard provided the above notes,
and i found them useful enough to stash away in libfossil's source repo for
later reference ("later" being this evening, apparently).

While going over it, and opening my conventional SQL scratch file to play
with some of it, i came across the following also-forgotten query i put
together, and thought it might be useful for some of you in reporting or
automation contexts...

In short, provide it a list of branch names and it returns the "tip" (most
recent) version in each of those branches:

WITH branch(name) AS (
  SELECT 'dave'
  SELECT 'trunk'
latestByBranch(name, rid, uuid, ts) AS(
     SELECT branch.name, event.objid, blob.uuid, datetime(max(event.mtime))
     FROM tag, tagxref, event, branch, blob
     WHERE tag.tagname='sym-' || branch.name
     AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid
     AND tagxref.tagtype>0
     AND event.objid=tagxref.rid
     AND blob.rid=event.objid
     AND event.type GLOB 'ci'
     GROUP BY branch.name
SELECT * FROM latestByBranch

Achtung: the max() call seems to return the max() of the corresponding row
(i.e. the one we really want), but to be honest i'm not sure if that's just
coincidence or if that's well-defined sqlite behaviour wrt aggregate
functions (from what i understand, the behaviour is not well defined in
other SQL engines). Comments from those in the know are welcomed.


[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/libfossil]$ f sqlite < zz.sql
trunk|6660|220da67a06ee577d4667718b2ffe2f94c48ca338|2014-11-03 19:05:38
dave|6609|a7902080460a15640b0fc40a46c4be272942bc4b|2014-10-29 04:42:27

or using libfossil:

[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/libfossil]$ f-query -e zz.sql
name rid uuid ts
trunk 6660 220da67a06ee577d4667718b2ffe2f94c48ca338 2014-11-03 19:05:38
dave 6609 a7902080460a15640b0fc40a46c4be272942bc4b 2014-10-29 04:42:27

To the SQL experts in the crowd: i am most certainly _not_ an SQL expert.
Feedback on improving this query is welcomed!

----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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