On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 2:40 AM, Michael L. Barrow <mlbar...@barrow.me>

> I am running 1.29 and trying to pull user account information from a
> server into a newly-initialized repo. When I do the fossil config pull user
> <url> command, I get a password incorrect.
> I am using the same URL I used to clone the repo.
> URL is of the form:
>     https://m...@hostname.example.com/fossil/thesourcerepo
> This is the first time doing a config pull, so I could be doing something
> goofy. Thoughts?

Should be working.  Are you *sure* you typed the right password?

> P.S. me has 's' privs on thesourcerepo.
> --
> michael at barrow dot me
> +1.408.782.4249
> "Do not anticipate trouble, or
> worry about what may never happen.
> Keep in the sunlight." -- B. Franklin
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