On Mon, Dec 08, 2014 at 03:28:30PM -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 3:22 PM, bch <brad.har...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Does the "mode" (text/binary) factor into the sha1 fingerprint hash of
>     an artifact (single file) or commit ?
> No.  The "mode" is only used to determine how to display the content on a
> webpage.  Also, independent changes can only be merged in text files, not
> binary files.  And "diff" will only work for text files.
> For the last two points - merge and diff - you can tell Fossil that the file 
> is
> text all you want, but if it really is binary that isn't going to make the
> merge and/or diff algorithms work any better.  You will still end up with a
> mess.

> So what is the point of this?  

For what I understand from the OP, it's only for convenience to be able
to call "fossil diff/gdiff" on a file that is mostly text but is
detected as binary by fossil.

>Why is the default text/binary detection not working for Tony?

Andy analyse the OP file:

Seems to be because there's some control and null characters in the file.

For myself, I like the fact that fossil detect the binary files by
itself, it save me a lot of time, especially on repository with a lot
files. But I think it would be good to have either a kind of
text-glob setting or at least a flag to the diff/gidff command to force
the diff to happens.

Martin G.

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