On 02/02/15 23:23, Warren Young wrote:
>>   The annoying thing is that when it fails, it wipes away whatever
>> progress it has made.
> Yes, well, that’s the nature of transactional DB updates: all or nothing.

   Implied: There's only one way to use transactions when performing
initial synchronizations.

>> How difficult would it be to allow fossil to pick up where it left
>> off in such a case? 
> Are you seriously asking for Fossil to allow a local clone to be in an 
> inconsistent state after an error?

   I'm working on a distributed storage system which borrows a few of
the basic ideas from fossil (immutable artifacts, etc).  We perform a DB
commit after an entire *application layer* transactional unit has been
transferred.  When an initial synchronization breaks in our system, we
use a simple method to skip artifacts when it resumes; we divide the
timeline into week-long chunks, and hash all the artifact hashes in
order of time in each chunk; once a week is encountered where the hashes
don't match, we perform a fine-grained sync of the artifacts for that
week.  We deal with up to GB-size artifacts (indexed in DB, but not
stored there), and the entire data storage can be in the region of
terabytes.  The system runs over the regular Internet.  It must be
tolerant to faults like "pull network cable", or ISP hiccups, because
restarting from scratch after 90% has been synchronized simply isn't an

   In terms of the type of data, our data and fossil's data is very
different, but in terms of the time it takes to synchronize large data
stores/repositories, we're in the exact same situation.  We don't expect
synchronizations to fail; they rarely will, but it will happen sooner or
later, so we were forced to find a way to skip work that has already
been done.

   We don't remove all the work which has been done after a failed
initial synchronization.  Nor do we leave it in an "inconsistent state"
-- we leave it in an "incomplete/resumable" state, and it's clearly
tagged as such.  I'm not even asking if fossil could be made fully
resumable after an exit either, a "An error was detected; retry [y/n]?"
would be another option.  If it's impossible for fossil to do anything
like that without major rewiring of the internals, then *that* would be
relevant to my question.

   So to answer your question: No.  Not that I ever implied anything of
the sort.

Kind Regards,
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