Richard Hipp <> writes:

> In that case, you don't even need SSL in Fossil because the webserver
> should be handling it for you.  What kind of problem are you have,
> specifically?

When I try to login with my credential I get 405 error.

Moreover, Fossil's logo and CSS are not visible and by inspecting:

select name,value from config where name like '%baseurl%';

I see there are several entries for 'baseurl' which I'd like to remove
so wonder what is the 'Fossil way' to do it?


p.s. I apologize for some duplicate posts which I generated...some
problem with my client. :-(

One who works in devotion, who is a pure soul, and who controls 
his mind and senses is dear to everyone, and everyone is dear to 
him. Though always working, such a man is never entangled.

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