Vikrant Chaudhary wrote:
> On 30 March 2015 at 17:39, j. van den hoff <> wrote:
>> a marginal point, but in case you care: the german word for
>> repository/deposit actually is "Lagerstätte" where the diacritical mark over
>> the `a' really matters. but "Lagerstatte" sounds really awful (since the "a"
>> is pronounced like the "u" in the English word `up', while the "ä" is
>> similarly pronounced to English "a" in "action"). and it simply looks
>> misspelled ;-). it also seems not to belong to the words having been
>> assimilated into english after spelling changes (such as "iceberg") as far
>> as I know.
>> to make german users a bit more happy you might call it "lagerstaette" where
>> the `ae' is a widely used "ASCII approximation" of the "ä" (in germany,
>> anyway). also note, that "Lagerstatt" (the singular form of ""Lagerstätten"
>> (with final "n")) is an exalted way of denoting a bed (and not a place were
>> to store fossils (or beer ;-)). overall, I'm not sure whether the name
>> choice was a lucky one...
> Regarding name:
> What we have considered so far:
> * Germans prefer to transliterate "ä" to "ae".
> * Google tries to correct "lagerstaette" to "lagerstatte".
> * Google includes results for "lagerstätte" when searching for
> "lagerstatte" (but not with "lagerstaette").
> * transliterates "ä" to
> "a" (use Latin -> ASCII settings).
> * This Rails method does the same - "ä" to "a"-
> * German borrowed words in English usually do not use the "e" form.
> Like Über to Uber, Flügelhorn to Flugelhorn, Lämmergeier to
> Lammergeier, from Fräulein,
> Grossencharakter from Größencharakter.
> * There are a few counter examples though - Fuehrer from Führer,
> Muesli from Müsli, Loess from Löß, Foehn from Föhn.
> * 29,400 Google search results for "lagerstatte" (with quotes) vs 8990
> for "lagerstaette" (with quotes). (for completeness, 3,89,000 results
> for "lagerstätte" (with quotes)).
> * Almost all search results for "lagerstaette" are in German, and in
> English for "lagerstatte".
> * Our conclusion: "lagerstaette" when transliterating in German,
> "lagerstatte" when transliterating in English.
> * I'm still not 100% sure.
> Maybe I should roll with "Lagerstätte" as project's name, but we still
> need the ASCII approximation to use in code.

I'm not a German speaker, and I don't know if you care, but I would
vote with Joerg to use "ae" rather than just "a".  (Simply ignoring
the umlaut seem just wrong - regardless of Google.)  FWIW, the two
dots in "ä" and "ö" derive historically from a small "e" placed above
the letters "a" and "o".  Also, German proper names that contained an
umlaut are regularly spelled with the "e" (at least in the mid-western


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