>> I'm thinking about how this could be used at my workplace.  On some
>> projects we have shared computers called viewservers ("view" being a
>> ClearCase term) on which we create our sandboxes (again, CC term).
>> Switching to Fossil would mean each user getting his or her own copy of
>> the full repository which synchronizes with the master.  Furthermore,
>> each user would need a separate copy for each viewserver because it's
>> best not to share SQLite databases through NFS.  This will eat a LOT of
>> disk space.

AFAIU what you are after is a way to optimize server side cloning (aka
Github forking), that is without actually cloning the whole repository
? That would be an interesting feature indeed.

This may be related to the scaling issue, see the discussion started by
Richard Hipp, entitled "Fossil 2.1: Scaling".

I have been thinking about a project/service similar to Lagerstatte. My
prototype is based on the MEAN stack and is named "ammonite" but the dev
is on stand-by. IMHO what would be a strong selling point would be to
have a decentralized and distributed architecture. Think Diaspora*
(https://joindiaspora.com/) but for developers. It may be worth to try
to fund your project on some crowd-funding platform (e.g. kickstarter), no ?
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