On May 23, 2015, at 1:25 PM, Svyatoslav Mishyn <j...@openmailbox.org> wrote:
> /tmp: wget -S http://localhost:8080/reports
> --2015-05-23 21:42:12--  http://localhost:8080/reports
> Resolving localhost (localhost)...
> Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:8080... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... No data received.
> Retrying.

That works here.

Are you sure the new version of fossil is listening on port 8080?  If another 
process is bound to port 8080 when “fossil server” or “fossil ui” starts, it 
will add 1 to the port number and try again.

You might have the old fossil bound to 8080, and the new one bound to 8081, for 

>> What browser actually requires </li> tags on list elements?
> Oops, I made redundant changes,

You should have left out all the whitespace differences, too.  Next time, try 
“fossil diff -w”.
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