Thanks Richard, this is encouraging.

I would appreciate any pointers to relevant documentation on multiple
servers accessing a single repo, and the file locking options. I
searched the Fossil docs again and didn't find anything on this.

Then I'll need to look at what SAFE will support in this area.

I'm away until Tuesday, so there's no hurry.


My thinking is
On 12/06/15 19:38, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On 6/12/15, Mark <> wrote:
>> I'm thinking it's unlikely that Fossil caters for multiple servers
>> talking to a shared repo file,
> It does.  By default it wants posix advisory locking to work, but that
> can be hacked around using an environment variable.  (I'll have to
> look up the details for you later - I'm at a conference as I type
> this.)
>> Or...
>> 2) I would need some way for each server to make changes to the shared
>> repo file without interference from any other servers.
> The repository is an SQLite database, which allows multiple
> applications to attach at the same time.  Only one can write at a
> time, but writing is fast, so they can take turns.
> Lots of detail on this on the Fossil website.
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