One of my Fossil repositories contains a bunch of checked-in emails.  I
archive all my email discussions with the customer directly in the
repository so it's as secure as everything else.

This works well for the emails I send since my mailer uses a mostly
plain text encoding (I think it may be quoted printable, don't feel like
checking) which Fossil's document search knows how to index, for the
most part.  Then I can call up any of my emails and read them directly
in the web UI, provided I don't need the attachments.

However, emails from the customer are written with a different mailer
that base64-encodes everything, even plain text.  So for all customer
emails, I have to download and open with Thunderbird.  That takes only
two clicks in Firefox, and it's what I do to access attachments in the
mails I send, but I can't search through customer emails except by
reading the subject lines which I use as filenames.

At a minimum, I'd like some ability to full-text index MIME emails so I
can search customer emails.  If the file can be interpreted as a MIME
email, decode and concatenate the parts (skipping binary parts I
suppose) then index the result.  Allow recursive application of this
process so that emails attached to emails are searchable too.

And of course, feature creep alert!  Would a plug-in architecture be
appropriate for this?  There's a lot more that could be done which may
seem nice but is outside the scope of Fossil, for example displaying
emails (including base64-encoded emails) right in the web UI, but
relying an external MUA like Thunderbird suits my needs for now.


Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>

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