On 7/31/2015 9:55 AM, John L. Poole wrote:
> The Wiki Headers and Footers are not under any versioning control or
> history, correct?

As far as I can tell, that's right.  The only versions you get to pick are:

1. Contents of the text edit widget (Apply Changes to select)
2. Current settings (cancel to "select")
3. Default (Revert To Default to select)

> I am planning on creating a file to source control them, but wanted to
> make sure I'm not doing something that is already built in.

I'm not sure it's appropriate to put this (specifically this) in a file,
not without reexamining the way the rest of the configuration is stored
and managed.  Fossil has a separate mechanism for transferring
configuration between repositories.


(by the way, why does the URL say "config" when the command is
technically named "configuration"?)

According to this, you already have the option to export the
configuration to a file which can then be managed however you like.

Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>

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