On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Ross Berteig <r...@cheshireeng.com> wrote:
> I realized mid change the other day that the repo I was in had a bunch of
> IDE private project data files that had been checked in. (Rant: Just when
> will IDE authors learn to prominently document their project databases to
> make interoperation with any VCS easier?)

You mean so you more easily ignore or mark them as "binary"?

Fossil itself has no IDE integration features.

But numbering the output of fossil changes with simple ordinals that can be
> used by an "immediately following" fossil commit would have been a clear
> and direct way of saying that to the command line. Those ordinals would
> have to be really transient,

Which is why I like the idea of relative specifications like "cur-3",
"cur+2" or "tip-1"

> and likely are invalidated by nearly anything that changes a file, but for
> that specific sequence of fossil changes then fossil ci it could be
> friendly.
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