If I understand things right, this is a diff against the undo buffer, so I
suggest this alternative:

fossil diff --undo-buffer

El 13/9/2015 5:39, "Lonnie Abelbeck" <li...@lonnie.abelbeck.com> escribió:

> On Sep 11, 2015, at 7:19 PM, Scott Robison <sc...@casaderobison.com>
> wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 6:07 PM, Steve Stefanovich <s...@stef.rs> wrote:
> > Clever, but awkward in my opinion; the first place to look for such a
> feature would be under diff command. At least for me, that is.
> >
> > My vote is for diff --from|--to undo, where 'undo' is a special tag,
> same as 'ckout' in different context. I think it fits in such paradigm
> nicely.
> >
> > The person who names branches 'undo' can be perhaps warned in the
> command help to use the hash instead.
> >
> > S.
> >
> > Here is the stash version of diff:
> >  fossil stash diff ?STASHID?
> >  fossil stash gdiff ?STASHID?
> >
> > Why not do it the same way for undo? It seems to be most in line with
> precedent. Perhaps because undo doesn't currently have subcommands, just
> options. Still, it would be the most intuitive thing based on existing
> practice.
> >
> > --
> > Scott Robison
> +1
> Editing the "stash" help added to "undo" would look something like...
> -- snippet --
>  fossil undo diff ?DIFF-OPTIONS?
>  fossil undo gdiff ?DIFF-OPTIONS?
>     Show diffs of the current working checkout and what that
>     checkout would be if "undo" were applied.
>  fossil undo
>  fossil undo [g]diff ?DIFF-OPTIONS?
> --
> Lonnie
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