On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 9:24 PM, The Tick <the.t...@gmx.com> wrote:
> That is one of the features that I was looking for. How to get the URL for
> that to put on the 'home' page is one of my next tasks. I doubt that most
> windows users would explore fossil's interface (and understand it enough)
> to click 'files' then click the weird check-in id to get to the ZIP
> download button. At this point I'm assuming I can just copy that URL and
> duplicate it on my home page.

Yes, you can simply copy that URL to the home page. You will need to update
it each time you make a release.

In theory, it is also possible to craft an URL that would also provide a
zip of the latest with a particular tag, such as "release". Not sure if
this is a good idea, but it would eliminate the need to update the home
page for each release. (Personally, I prefer to
explicitly update my download page for each release.)

> I'll have to explore that. It's just one image to get an idea of the app's
> GUI.

To have a file appear in only one version in the repository:
    fossil add path/to/file
    fossil commit -m 'comment about file being added' # the ID of this
commit is the version containing the file.
    fossil rm path/to/file
    fossil commit -m 'Make it so this file only appears in the previous

You can add more than one file this way. To access the file, it will be
necessary to refer to it using the commit ID of the version containing the
file. (Alternately, you can use the artifact ID of the file.)

> Again, thanks for your help.

You are welcome
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