On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 5:23 AM, Gour <g...@atmarama.net> wrote:
> sometime ago I submitted a ticket for Fossil support in Go(lang)'s "go
> get" command (
> https://github.com/golang/go/issues/10010#issuecomment-147170394).

> here is the appropriate docs:
> https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/go/vcs

Out of curiosity, I looked at this document. Appears to me that this "vcs"
class is a configurable wrapper around command line VCS tools.

I would think that you could subclass this and override the FromDir()
method to detect a Fossil working copy and populate the Cmd object with the
requisite command strings to invoke Fossil. Likewise, the Create() method
(and/or CreateAtRev() method) overridden to detect a Fossil repository,
then populate the Cmd object, then run a Fossil open command.

Seems like a learning opportunity for you.

Unfortunately, I don't know Go, so can't really help.
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