On Oct 29, 2015, at 3:20 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> Each check-in manifest also has a hash over all content of all files
> in the R card.  It's an MD5 hash, but that still means the attacker
> would have to find replacement source code that (a) matched both SHA1
> and MD5 hashes and (b) was valid C code.  Good luck with that.

MD5 collisions can be found in about a second on modern hardware:


With that work to build on, the only remaining tricky bit is working out a 
perturbation algorithm for C source code that doesn’t introduce so much noise 
that the code will be flagged as obviously-bad.  I mean, you could just put 
random UTF-8 text into a C comment to force the collision, but that will jump 
out to even one casually scanning the code.

> Any
> malicious code would also have to preserve all current functionality
> and also preserve 100% branch coverage to escape detection.

If the attack trigger can rely on a new feature, it won’t be caught by the 
existing tests.  Say, a new SQL function.

The evildoer might instead be doing something like exfiltrating user data over 
a TCP socket on every VACUUM call.  Again, not something the tests are likely 
to catch.

And realize that I’m not very motivated, nor am I trained to do this.  I assume 
a motivated expert could come up with much better ideas than these.

> (3) We also do 100% inspection of all code changes between each
> release using "fossil diff --from release --to trunk --tk”.

Glad to hear it.

> You don’t think we would see unauthorized code?

That depends on how well the C perturbation algorithm works, and how clever the 
attack is.

Have you studied the winners of the Underhanded C Contest?  How many of those 
jump out at you as obviously evil?


I can’t quite talk myself into believing these contestants were less motivated 
than a true black hat.  Pride and social standing may be stronger motivations 
than money and love of country.  But still, I think I’m comparing top-10 
motives here, not wildly incomparable ones.

> I think if the bad guys wanted to break into phones, they'd probably
> go after the Linux kernel first

Not first.  That comes after convincing the local lawmakers that “I sees it so 
I wants it” and the $5 wrench attack. :)  

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