On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 1:45 PM, Dömötör Gulyás <dognot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We seem to be able to make fossil do things via windows shortcuts. And
> Fuel runs fine, except that it's apparently impossible to configure it to
> use --httpauth, or to make it use the url and credentials stored in the
> fossil repo.
> I have no control over the fact that work PCs are locked down in this way.
> Getting developers administrator privileges for their computers is a weeks
> long process.

How is it that you can run the Fossil and Fuel executables? Are you able to
create and run your own executables? Can you run Perl, Lua, or Python
programs you create?

> I was hoping to get in touch to with the Fuel devs somehow, to be able to
> configure this. We can work around the PC restrictions, but it's gonna be a
> cold day in hell before they turn off the corporate firewall.
> (and how to tell fossil how to read the http proxy script is another issue
> entirely... ;) )

Is that required to allow Fossil to sync between PCs in your office?
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