It worked.  I did have problem as the project code came back as:


and I had to trim off the part after the |.  If I asked as

fossil info -R LPC1114-PWM.fossil
project-name: <unnamed>
project-code: 5f509f990b361984473c2aedd087a61e0e8dc0f3
checkins:     1

i got it less the extra stuff.

I set that project-code in my current repo, got the remote path OK
and it synched OK.

The only thing I then had to do then was log in to the Chiselapp version and
do admin->config to match my local version (i.e.Project Name & description) then
the home page of the original appeared.

Thank you very much for the help.

 jim schimpf

> On 26 Nov, 2015, at 14:08, Andy Bradford 
> <> wrote:
> Thus said jim Schimpf on Thu, 26 Nov 2015 10:45:34 -0500:
>> Also since that worked is there some way a I can move the local repo I
>> have of this  project (and it's history) into this  newly cloned repo.
>> Then  when I  sync that  with  Chiselapp it  will have  done the  push
>> equivalent.
> Just make sure that the project code  is the same as the project code in
> Chiselapp:
> $ fossil sql -R local.fossil
> SQLite version 3.9.2 2015-11-02 18:31:45
> Enter ".help" for usage hints.
> sqlite> SELECT * FROM config WHERE name = 'project-code';
> project-code|d05af28ff53c2077795d6780192daca8006202e6|1448563931
> sqlite> UPDATE config SET value = '<projectcode>' WHERE name = 'project-code';
> Then, open  the repository, use ``fossil  remote'' to set your  sync URL
> to:
> Then run ``fossil sync''
> Andy
> -- 
> TAI64 timestamp: 40000000565758e3

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