On Jan 29, 2016, at 8:02 AM, dewey.hyl...@gmail.com wrote:
> i'd like to
> present the front page to everybody for an otherwise private repository.

I seem to recall that in order to view an embedded doc URL, you need the 
checkout (o) privilege, which in this case means you’d have to give that to the 
“nobody” user.

Downside of embedded docs, I’m afraid.

If I were you, I wouldn’t be trying to make Fossil do this at all.  For a 
public-facing cut private Fossil repo, you’re going to want an HTTPS front-end, 
so why not stand nginx or Apache up as a reverse proxy where 
https://mysite.example.com/code/* points to Fossil, and everything else is 
served statically?

You mentioned a wish for your public pages to be generated from Fossil-hosted 
*.md files, but you don’t actually need Fossil to do that itself.  There are a 
bunch of ways to do that outside of Fossil.

One very popular way, which seems to be Markdown-compatible, is Middleman:


Many more are listed here:


Or, you could just build a Makefile based on Pandoc:


I do this on several of my sites.  Just say “make synch” anywhere in the 
document hierarchy, it builds the static pages, and uploads the deltas to the 
web site with rsync.

Dynamic web page generation has been badly oversold in the past 15 years.  
Unless a given page has per-user customizations, it can almost certainly be 
generated ahead of time and then served from cache.  Such pages often go days 
or years without changes, yet there’s still this push in many web frameworks to 
dynamically re-generate them on each hit in some interpreted language.
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