I don’t know if this will be of any help, but I moved away from using stash 
altogether for pretty much the same reasons you mention, plus one very 
important one for me that I don’t like about the stash: the content of the 
stash only stays on the current PC while I wanted it to follow the repo file 
(e.g., backup).

I have found the use of private branches to work much better than stash, and no 
need for remembering extra stash specific commands.  For one thing they behave 
just like normal branches (except of course for the syncing – which you 
wouldn’t want and you can’t do with the stash anyway).  Once you’re ready to 
move the changes to a normal branch you simply merge (but without the 
–integrate option or else the purge won’t work correctly), and then purge the 
private branch.  You commit and all your intermediate private branch commits 
appear as a single folded commit.  Finally, once every so often you also 
obliterate any purges, and rebuild with the –compress-only option to get the 
repo size repo back down.
I still haven’t figured out if there is any functionality one can achieve with 
a stash that cannot be achieved (and possibly better/easier) with the above 
From: fran 

In my case I use the stash to mark checkpoints like <ctrl-s> in a editor and 
after several checkpoints and getting sure the thing is working fine I begin to 
flush the stash.

I'm satisfied with the size and intent of the stash feature but the 'list'  
seems pretty raw to me. The 'timeline' too but at least the timeline part is 
pretty good covered with the ui.
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