On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 11:45 PM, Arnel <r...@openmailbox.org> wrote:
> Doesn't working on a branch marked private and merging it later (upon
> approval)
> essentially provide the benefits of "squashing" the commits? The only
> difference
> would be the branch commits themselves will not be visible on the upstream
> repository upon merging. Only the merge commit will be seen.
> Admittedly, changes made that way will be harder to review, though.
> Probably
> better to not use private branches for that situation.

Another potential problem with private branches: Because they don't get
pushed, you loose the safety net of having them replicated in another
(preferably remote) repo.

Remember: Version control is not - in and of itself - a backup. You need to
properly backup your repo. You should also properly backup workspace (and

This is why my team opted to keep autosync on - fully on. Easier to cleanup
accidental commits to the wrong branch - trunk or other - than to
reconstruct lost work.
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