On Mon, 25 Apr 2016 16:48:43 +0200, Michael Richter <ttmrich...@gmail.com> wrote:

@michael: I have been using `fsl' myself happily for several years now. I also have tried a couple of times to draw attention to its existence on this list (getting the same feedback -- i.e.: none -- as you). but I am sure you are mistaken in your interpretation why this happens. why should anybody be hostile to you (or the tool)? I'm sure the lack of feedback has a much more profane reason: most people just don't care for any wrapper around fossil's CLI (or have their own) but are waiting for native support of the asked-for functionality or are much more interested in the web GUI.

@everybody: `fsl' indeed seems massively under-appreciated. it is very helpful and improves CLI interaction with fossil substantially in my experience (notably the branch where I have further adjusted everything to my own liking ("dresden") ;-)). colorized diff and timeline output and the alias facility alone are worth it (personally I wanted chronological "symbolic" checkin enumeration a la `hg' as well and got it in the above-mentioned branch ...).

I know that every time I mention this I get silently, perhaps even
hostilely, ignored, but really guys, why not just use fsl for your
customization needs?  Colourizing output is in the cookbook:
http://fossil.0branch.com/fsl/wiki?name=Cookbook, along with lots of other nifty tricks like aliasing, adding commands (like workflow-based ones I've
done for my stuff), etc.  It really is a nifty little package and I don't
get the hostility (or at least utter apathy) it generates in the Fossil

I look forward to the "ignore the very existence of this message" that is
traditional each time I bring it up.

On 25 April 2016 at 09:48, Steve Schow <st...@bstage.com> wrote:

For now, if you’re on a unix platform, you can try a wrapper script like


export COLOR_NC='^[[0m'
export COLOR_RED='^[[1;31m’

fossil $* |\

On Apr 24, 2016, at 4:07 AM, Marko Käning <sec001+fos...@posteo.net>

> Hi devs,
> it would be great if one could colorise Fossil’s output on the console!
> Quite a few times I missed an error or warning message which slipped in
between of many lines of the usual fossil output on the console.
> Red colouring of words like “warning” or “error” would be very helpful
> The poor man’s solution would at least be to use capital letters and
some sort of line head along the lines of
>       > ERROR: blaa
>       > WARNING: blubb
> Right now I can’t send an example of such a easily slipping through
message, but I can deliver if I come across one again.
> Greets,
> Marko
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