On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 5:14 PM, Warren Young <w...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
> Where would it get the user credentials for that?  Modifying tickets is
> not allowed for anonymous.

The update would be to the same repo as the commit, so the URL would be "
http://localhost:8080/tktedit"; so credentials would not be needed.

> Thus, TH1 hooks might be a good way to prototype the behavior of this
> feature prior to implementing it, but in the end, we’d want something in
> the core that works everywhere, out of the box.

Even with explicit support in the core, still makes sense for the commit
hook to control the ticket updating. "Close ticket on commit" is only one
of several possible (sets of) actions. (Where I work, for example, possible
next states would be "Reviewing" and "Validation".)

> TH1 also has a query command that runs an SQL expression.
> That would be a valid argument for prototyping the feature in TH1: if the
> C implementation will involve some intricate SQL, it might be nice to
> prototype it in an interpreted language that doesn’t require rebuilding
> Fossil for each attempt.

I looked at tkt,c. The SQL is assembled field by field, but doesn't look
particularly complex. Once the ticket and ticketchng tables are updated,
might be able to use a SELECT expression to help create the Ticket Change
artifact. Then it can be inserted into the blob table. (Fossil's core,
however, creates the change artifact first, then updates the ticket and
ticketchng tables from it.)
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