
I've just had a very, very odd experience with fossil. I'm running version 1.34.

Let me first explain what I have done.

I cloned a respository off our server. I then went into the clone's web UI and disabled the auto-sync feature. I then made 7 commits, the first of which caused a trunk fork which I then "repaired" by branching the old tip-of-trunk that caused the fork. I then committed two commits to the new branch, then realised that I'd committed the wrong code, so shunned the last two commits, rebuilt the respository, unshunned the sha1 signatures, rebuilt, then recommitted the last two commits using the correct code.

Ok, a little complicated but nothing too out-of-the-ordinary, I hope.

Except ... now I have two utterly random commits in my cloned repository - both seemingly from the sqlite repository:

2014-12-09 [f66f7a17b7] Version (user: drh, tags: release, version-
2011-05-19 [ed1da510a2] Version release candidate 1. (user: drh)

Now, it is true that I have a clone of the sqlite respository on my server too ... but I haven't yet synced with the server. Absolutely no server communication has happened since my initial clone. And these odd artifacts were definitely not there (or, rephrased, definitely not showing) when I was mid-way through all of this work, and are not there on the server's copy of the repository either.

Unfortunately, I cannot say exactly when these artifacts appeared, but my hunch would be somepoint around the shunning/rebuilding process? Does this even make sense?!?

Worse, I am left not sure whether to simply shun the two random artifacts and then push the changes to the repository up to the server. It has taken the best part of a day to get all these commits in and it represents about 6GB of source files (the repository has doubled from ~700 MB to ~1.5 GB) requiring a lot of manual "fossil mv"s to synchronise many moved files (fossil doesn't yet support a git-like auto-mv-detection sadly).

Any idea how I can easily check the validity of my repository? I have done the obvious which is to check out each of the recent check-ins and compare them with the original source folders, but what I don't know is whether the structure of my respository is damaged in some way...

Help!!!! :o)


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