Thus said Fossil SCM user's discussion on Wed, 22 Jun 2016 11:58:01 -0600:

> Just filter it, either at the  mailing list or at each client. Problem
> solved.

I  think this  is  the  most sensible  approach,  however,  in the  case
presented, it isn't  possible to filter at the mailing  list because the
spam did not go to the mailing list.

This is how it happens:

1) spam bot subscribes to the mailing list
2) normal user subscribes to the mailing list and asks for help
3) spam bot receives a copy of the email delivered via the ML
4) spam bot sends an email directly to the sender (bypassing the ML)

So, it is not  possible for the ML to solve  this problem via filtering.
Some of the mechanisms it can use are:

1) make it harder to subscribe in hopes that the bot will be unsuccessful
2) manipulate the From address in some fashion:
  a) substitute the ML address but leave the comment in place
  b) mangle the address so human can easily figure out the *real* From
  c) completely anonymize From (current configuration)

Dealing with spam is always difficult because there really isn't an easy

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