I too find this very confusing. I don't know who each message is from. Many
people (myself included) don't have their name by default in their
signature (if they even have one) and asking everyone to either add one for
every email they send to anyone or to manually remember to sign each post
to this mailing list seems like too much. Maybe there are other email
clients that can add a signiture based on the "To:" field, but gmail can't,
so it is all email or manually for this list. And even if this is done, it
is still confusing having to read down to the bottom in order to see who it
is, and not being able to skim back to find the reply from X is annoying.

Can a filter be added to ML to (silently) ban any email address of the form
mentioned above by reply #3 (or #4, counting the original post)? (I think
this is a fine example of the problem: I had to reopen each reply to find
the one that had that, and then count to figure out how to reference it)


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