On Jul 17, 2016, at 11:29 AM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> On 7/15/16, Warren Young <w...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
>> In order to view [embedded documentation] content in the wiki, the viewing 
>> user
>> needs checkout rights on the whole repository.
> In general, this is true.  But there is one obscure exception.
> On the Setup/Access page there is a "Public Pages” setting

As it happens, I know about the restriction because we have a use case here 
where the ability to see the occasional embedded doc reference via the wiki 
would be useful.  We have a user that currently has cnouw perms, with the ‘o’ 
purely so they can see such wiki references.

To test this feature, I created a new user with cnuw perms and set the Public 
Pages pref to “*.svg, *.md”, then restarted “fossil server” and tried viewing 
the wiki pages that refer to these SVG and Markdown files.  No joy.

The URLs look like this:


If the wiki page references the target inline, as with the SVGs, you get the 
alt-text inline instead of the image.  If the link is supposed to show you the 
other file as a separate page, as with the Markdown links, the Fossil server 
sends you to the Login/Logout page when you click the link, telling you the 
user doesn’t have sufficient privilege to access the URL.

I then tried using absolute glob patterns, with * in place of the branch and 
other variable parts of the path, also with no luck.

Then I started swinging the heavy hammer, setting the Public Pages pref to a 
single absolute glob pattern, each more specific than the last:


Still no luck.

I also tried dropping the /reponame prefix, also with no useful effect.

This is with “fossil server” pointing to a directory full of fossils, so the 
/reponame part is required, at least in the wiki source.  (We use Markdown wiki 
syntax here.)

The last path above was actually copy-pasted from the Login/Logout page into 
the Public Pages box, to see if I could grant access to just that one image.

Did this feature get broken somewhere along the line?

> 'A comma-separated list of glob patterns for pages that are accessible
> without needing a login and using the privileges given by the "Default
> privileges" setting below.

My “Default privileges” is set to ‘u’.
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