
on Saturday 27 August 2016 at 19:49, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On 8/27/16, Natacha Porté <nata...@instinctive.eu> wrote:
> > Short version: I have a git repository built a mirror of a main
> > repository, a few changes happened to the git repository, and I would
> > like to find a way to bring these changes back to the fossil repository
> > so that the git repository can again be a simple mirror.
> One of my long-term goals is to enhance Fossil so that it can
> push/pull from a git mirror, or so that a git mirror can push/pull
> from the main Fossil repository.  Unfortunately, that isn't going to
> help you now.  Or this week.

I would guess that in order to achieve that goal, you would need to
match remote git commit ids with local fossil commit ids. I think that
would require either keeping state about the matching, in that case the
rest of my e-mail is useless, or recomputing them, which means solving
the "roundtrip problem" (i.e. having all the original git commit
information stored in the corresponding fossil commit).

From my recent experimentations, it seems you could solve the "roundtrip
problem" (at least for the commits I encountered in my situation) by
somehow storing beside the fossil commit the original time zone, and two
users ("author" and "committer" according to git) instead of one.

I will do a few more tests and then post here the solution I developed
for my problem, which is based on injecting the timezone and
auther/committer in the stream exported by fossil, using a sed filter.

That seem like a reasonable person-sized first step toward the long
term goal (unless you want to with the matching table solution), and it
would help a lot for my situation. If anyone feels up for the task...

I would gladly contribute code in that direction if I find time, but I
don't feel competent enough to design how the information would be
stored (new cards? optional extensions to existing cards? tags?
something else?), so I will let someone else come up with that.

Hoping this is useful,

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