On 10/5/16, Warren Young <w...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
> Agreed.  If your repository has such file names in it, working around the
> Windows limitation in Fossil just boots the problem a few squares down the
> sidewalk, where it will be stumbled upon shortly by some other tool.

For this reason, the current fix is simply to output a more helpful
error message that tries to explain the situation.

Probably we also need to also fix Fossil so that it doesn't give up
and die when it encounters an error like this but instead at least
tried to check out all the other files.  Perhaps there should also be
warnings when one does "fossil add" or "fossil mv" to create a
disallowed filename on unix - a warning to say that this will work
fine on unix but will fail when you move the change to windows.

> That said, if y’all decide to support AUX and such on Windows anyway, I
> wrote some code to do this recently, just to prove a point on
> unix.stackexchange.com. :)
>   http://pastebin.com/rTs88KmD
> The code is written for the NUL case, but it’s the same for AUX, CON, etc.
> If someone wants to use that as a basis for a Fossil patch, the code is
> currently licensed under cc-by-sa 3.0.  That may be liberal enough to
> include it in Fossil as-is.
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