On 10/11/2016 03:39 PM, jungle Boogie wrote:
> I would call that a wiki, not only inside fossil-scm but in general.

I am inclined to think that a wiki probably isn't sufficient for many
projects. What I am casually proposing (just brainstorming, really) is a
documentation framework that supports several different types of user
(annotation) and developer (modification) involvement, all regulated by
policy automation and human/system assessment, modeling and analysis.
(Too much razzle-dazzle?)

I started to sketch some diagrams earlier but ended up exploring
[something like] enterprise architectures for various
developer(s)/maintainer(s)/user(s) social organization. (See the work of
[Max Weber][1] and [Karl Müller][2]).

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tripartite_classification_of_authority
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_H._M%C3%BCller

Making the operations (policies, procedures, etc) of the system
explicit, and the assessments and measurements quantifiable, all with
significant automation support, once bootstrapped, a project could
continue with little human involvement. If the documentation system
includes pedagogical information and methods sufficient to train users
to be maintainers and developers, such a project could endure the
vicissitudes of interest.

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